Better Leaders review, reset, realign...

The ability to "Focus" is like having a set of headlights. Helping us see clearly ahead, block out diversions, lighting the way to a gold medal. 

And FOCUS is crucial right now whilst we are all so caught up trying to achieve more with less. This is why I am constantly reviewing what I am doing and where I spend my time. This is how FOCUS helps me get the results I want. It brings me back to my original intention and drives my success.

We need to step back and ask, what is going on. When we constantly review activities, we ensure we get the results we intended. Even small distractions can put us off target, which is why its important to refocus, regularly.

Failing to focus is like driving in the dark. We can't see clearly so we let priorities multiply, we take on too much and we lose alignment with our goals. We get lost and can’t decide where to put our energy. After a while it feels like we are trying to win a gold medal in 10 sports not our original 1. Failure!

Unfocused teams can become exhausted. Their time and energy get diverted away from the teams purpose. They overspend on their budget and get exhausted because they have been doing too much.

Focus helps Leaders get themselves and their teams on track. Call it a refresh, a rethink and restart. We all need them from time to time.  A regular review to realign the team is normal and essential.

Daniel Goleman says that focus is the hidden driver of excellence. And until I read his book (called Focus) I hadn’t thought of it in this way. Our ability to focus and refocus enables us to build successful high performing teams.

Leadership is a constant journey of focus and review. Better Leaders take the time to refocus. They regularly remind. They constantly reinforce. They remove things that aren’t serving the team or the business. They regularly realign.

Need help to refocus, review or realign your team? I am currently helping managers refocus and realign their teams in with a two-hour workshop for just $999. Read more here and below and let me know your thoughts.

I love hearing from you.

Paul Matthews