OK results are not OK.

Is it time to refresh your plan?

My results are "OK". So why do I need to improve?

Consider this. If everyone was just “doing OK” then there would be a universal lack of momentum and progress.

If everyone in the entire organisation got a 3 out of 5 (satisfied, ok job) then the organisation would be average. Average has never been a successful long term ambition. 

Businesses don’t want just “doing OK” managers. They want managers that go the extra mile. That lift their team and those around them. They want leaders that inspire higher performance than OK. And personify it themselves.

We don’t have to hit home runs every day. But the expectation, whether its in your contract or not, is that you are generally trying to and often succeed in hitting home runs.

And for the record, OK is not and never will be a home run.

You might think your OK is a home run. But check in on that with your leader and let me know how that goes.

When you are just “getting by” or above the line, others around you might be hitting home runs…making your results not OK.

Why care about this? When you say OK is OK, it sends multiple messages.

Firstly, you are telling yourself that you don’t need to try harder. That’s a worry because it means you are fixed. Fixed people generally get moved out of the way sooner or later.

Secondly, it says that you accept average or the same as before. Most organisations aren’t down with that. There is only ever a long-term plan to be better. You cannot stay the same for long.

Lastly, I guarantee that there is something else going on. You are experiencing something that is impacting your desire to do better. Perhaps you are stuck. Perhaps you have some issues at home. Perhaps you fear change (also stuck).

All of these can be worked out. If you would like to move past just “being OK” or want to work through some blockages, then reach out. I have a $495 two-hour coaching session which is perfect for you. Ideal for anyone that wants to work through a challenge, make a plan, lift their results or restore their mojo.
Reflect on these for 2 minutes today:
Q: What do OK results feel like for you?
Q: What do OK results say about you?
Q: What does excellent look like and what more will that take?

I love hearing from you.

Paul Matthews