Work has evolved…Have your leaders kept up?

Right now really is the time to help your leaders evolve to the mega-changes happening at work and in your workforce.

More complexity, flexibility and diversity require leaders to change, to grow and be able to respond to the changing needs of work. With shifting structures, uncertain and dynamic futures, never before have impactful leader/employee conversations been so important.

Our workforce is now more educated than ever, more empowered. Telling employees what to do is an outdated way to lead. Not listening or including employees in decision making is a guaranteed way to lose talent, limit ideas and boost apathy in the team.

It is time to change

Evolving our managers so that they can lead with impact, increase involvement and build trust in a way that hits the mark for the current workforce is vital. Yet engagement levels are still below 20% globally. Involvement or communication still gets sidelined by leaders that have not made employee conversations their priority. The cost of poor leader conversations is now estimated to be AUD$20,000 per employee every year. (Yep, $20K each. It’s not a typo.) Or AUD$20m in a business with 1000 employees.

So much is at stake for businesses that don’t evolve: disengaged employees, increased turnover, lack of innovation…the list goes on.

Are you experiencing any of these?

  • Managers that haven’t had any formal communication training or development

  • Employee communication or involvement is seen as an optional extra

  • Leaders are overwhelmed by engagement data and initiatives

  • You need more ideas from employees but don’t know how

  • Managers have no spare time and feel like communication adds to their workload

  • We invest in difficult conversations but we neglect the day to day conversations that REALLY lift performance.


My leader program helps leaders evolve their leadership and communication. I help to build capability that activates our current workforce: deeper listening, with more coaching and more impactful communication. I help leaders and cultures move away from telling or old school ways that are holding businesses back.


I help leaders at every level to go beyond employee engagement. Instead we lock in workforce effort and results using deeper employee relationships and greater leader impact. Powerful conversations build more trust: locking in greater loyalty, ownership and effort than traditional engagement initiatives.

The content of my leader programs is based on the thinking and ideas in my bestseller book Switch.

My programs build capability using:

  • Workshops: designed to ignite enthusiasm for change and help leaders grow as a team and indepedently

  • Diagnostic tools: assessment of team and leaders impact and capability to guide activities and learning

  • Masterclasses: learning sessions that support leader growth with high involvement and activities

  • Coaching: individual and group coaching sessions

  • Support: ongoing advice for leaders.