Lift your odds of success to 70% today.

Someone very practical once said that a “goal without a plan is just a wish”. I agree.

If you don’t have a way to realise your dreams then you will get lost. Just like the wishes you make blowing out candles on a cake. Gone in a puff.

Odds of success
The odds are that 60% of people fail to achieve their goals because they are wishing and dreaming, when they should be action planning. Not having a plan is like drifting in the middle of the ocean. Bobbing around directionless.

A plan anchors you to a destination. Our professional development is the same. We don’t just become better leaders or experts. We need to be intentional about it. That means writing it down and doing the work. This doesn’t sound anywhere near as fun as wishing and dreaming, but it is way more effective.

"You are SOOO lucky"
Last year I was in Wales chatting with an old friend about my life in Australia, our home and dog .  She said “You are SO lucky”. Sounding envious. Which I find frustrating because it is exactly the opposite of how I created my life. 

I didn’t win my life at a casino or with a scratchcard. I planned it and did the work to build the life I wanted. I replied "The harder I work, the luckier I get”.

Not having a plan pretty much reduces your likelihood of success to less than 40%, slightly better than dreams and wishes. Sure you can wing it and cross your fingers. But making a plan is easier and way more reliable.

Having a plan takes the odds of success up A LOT, to about 70% or more. Plans take out the guessing and wishing and gives you all of these: 

Clarity: on where you are and want to get to
Focus: keeps you on track and aiming high
Accountability: encourages you to do what you said you would
Meaning: a major driving force and motivator.
Intention: purpose and a goal to anchor your activities to.
Energy: encourages you to step forward

The odds of success go up over 70% when you share the plan with someone you trust or respect.

Are you a DREAMER: relying on luck with odds of success less than 40%
Are you a PLANNER: relying on real progress with odds of success more like +70%.

If you want to make a plan and get all of these in place for the next 30, 90 or 180 days then book my $495 two-hour action planning session.

You can use the 2 hours to make your development plan or any other plan you need. You walk away after two hours coaching with your personal action plan anchored to a goal you want to achieve with instant odds of success over 70%.

No scratchcards. No casinos. Just you and I, setting and reaching your goals. Let me know if you have a DREAMER or a PLANNER. I am also keen to know if anyone in my network actually won their life at a casino?

Paul Matthews