This one skill aces all others

THE most IMPORTANT conversation.

I get asked this all the time: "What is THE most important and powerful conversation I can have this week". The one that creates the most change as quickly as possible. The one that gets the best results and fast.

I think the rationale for asking is impatience. We want instant results don’t we? I do!

Q: So what’s the most powerful and important conversation?

It's not with the Board or Chairperson.
It's not with the SMT or ELT or whatever your leadership team are called.
It's not with your kids or with your COACH.
It's not the diffifult conversations at work which we are led to believe are crucial.


Mastering the conversation with yourself is key to lifting your performance and achieving great results. The conversation you have in your head is your narrative for life. It's how you see the world and how you move through it. It dictates your results.

If you are negative or have a fixed focus, then you are likely going to stay where you are and make little progress.

It is YOUR thoughts and internal chatter that are keeping you where you are or propelling you forward onto new and better things.

Consider these if you want to GET BETTER at self-talk:

What we say to ourself is 10 times more powerful than what others say to us.

Negative thoughts are 7 times more powerful than positive ones.

What we speak is 10 times more powerful than what we think.

The impact and benefit of our conversation with ourselves is enourmous. 

Those of us that set a goal and strive towards it are those that will succeed. Compare this to those that are without a goal and the progress they make. The difference is remarkable.

The impact of our thoughts is significant in all that we do. And we need to harness this if we want to GET BETTER.

Make the change, set that goal, do the work.

Paul Matthews