Say NO and get back in the fast lane

YES is stalling your results

SAYING NO is part of your job. It helps you set clear boundaries. It is how you focus. It is crucial to business priorities and time management.

We are paid to say NO. It’s expected of us as part of implementing our companies plans. It is our duty to say NO to stay on track.

So, what happened?

NO can feel like a dirty word which we avoid. And that’s where the trouble starts. When we can’t say NO we begin a slow journey towards demotivation, then compliance, frustration and eventual burnout.

Learning to SAY NO gets you back in the fast lane towards better results.

My recent poll showed that 90% of us can’t say NO or struggle with it.

There are so many stories we use to avoid saying NO. Which of these below do you use most?

Say YES: to reduce your focus and results.
I recently worked with a team that were powerless to say NO. I helped them stop saying yes to every request. And guess what happened? They become more engaged. They became more focused. They had more fun, and they worked harder on the things that mattered most to the business.

If you or your team can't say NO then you most likely feel:

PRESSURED: to say YES to everything.
PURSUED: by colleagues wanting YES all the time.
PARALYSED: stuck without control or a VOICE.
POWERLESS: at the mercy of the business.
POOR: lack currency when making decisions.

Do you want to avoid further overwhelm, reduce the pressure, take back your power and enjoy your job more? Then it’s time to learn how to say NO and set clear boundaries.

Paul Matthews