Better: get out of your funk

What are you going to get better at in 2022?

Lifting up involves us doing something to a higher level. It requires us to enhance our focus or ability, to be better, more successful. A lift in responsibility this year might mean you go from being a manager of employees to leading a team of managers. 

Lifting up can also be a conscious decision to increase our focus on something. Like getting better at public speaking or running meetings. Lifting our communication capability, let’s say ;)


Better is when we make a commitment to move on. It is intentional and shows we want more. That is why it can feel difficult because we get scared of failing. Or fear the unknown. It requires us to be proactive, take action, be deliberate. And it’s usually public, so the risk of exposure or embarrassment makes us hesitant or worse: paralysed and stuck.

Procrastination is the enemy of better. It can be destructive and debilitating (I know because I am an expert at it). For me proactastination is when we fail to act, caused by fear of failure or not knowing where or how to begin. Instead we make excuses, tell ourselves stories or even paint our home office a nice new colour because that might help us get better too. 


Last year one of my coaching clients was tired of her role. She wanted to get better clarity on her vision for the future, reignite the passion for her career. Within just one coaching session she had moved forward. Within two she had taken significant action to make changes. By our fourth session she had landed her “dream job” and she was elated. BETTER!

She had lifted up, out of her funk. This is what she said about the experience.

“Working with Paul was transformative for me. He is clear, empathetic and incredibly insightful - the perfect concoction to guide you through the science of looking within. Our coaching sessions reignited my ambitions and provided the clarity I needed to set myself up for success”.

"Better" is such a good word. We all know what better means. But taking action to get better is not so easy. Here are some Qs to help you start.

Ask yourself:

What are you going to get better at in 2022?

What is the outcome you want?

How will you stay on track and see it through?

If you are in a funk, want to change, need to step up, let’s talk. I run free 30 min coaching calls for all new clients. Book yours here.

I love hearing from you.

So let me know your thoughts or answers to some of the above.

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