How to...align your team

Are you going back to the office soon? Or perhaps you have started in a new role? It might be time to refresh a few things.

Over the next few weeks I will be publishing How to…guides to help you review and refresh. Each week I will give you a FREE tool to help you improve and lift your results. This week is How to align your team with business strategy with a FREE CLARITY BUILDER TOOL.

Enter CLARITY in the comments or message me if you want me to get your free copy of the CLARITY BUILDER and align your team with strategy.

Let's get clear. Start by asking yourself:

• Does everyone know their role, what is needed and how they support the vision?

• Are we all on the same page?

86% of workers say that clarity is a major part of building a positive work culture.

But just 26% say they get clarity from their boss.

Ref: Closing the employee expectation gap, 2021

I guarantee there are some in the team that needs help. And now is the right time to review and refresh the team roles, rhythms, and results.  

Anchor the discussion

When the team gets clear on their role and results, we set them up for success. Then we help them by anchoring our dialogue directly to the business strategy or goals. When we align our employee conversations with the business strategy, we reinforce expectations and the right path.

Clarity helps everyone by boosting impact, efficiency, alignment and reducing inertia and guesswork. Clarity in the team also means you, as leader, get more time and headspace to get on with your stuff too: working on, not in the business.

Have things drifted?

When you are not clear, not anchored to purpose or haven’t focused your agenda you are drifting. Your conversations will lose impact and relevance. Employees will switch off or get caught up in the wrong things.

Think about a time when you were unclear on what was expected of you. It makes you cautious and tentative. It feels so much better to get things clear from the start, doesn’t it?

Focus the agenda

Part three of my powerful conversation approach helps leaders focus their agenda for all of their conversations. It sets them up for success and makes conversations valuable.

When leaders get clear and focus their team agenda their conversations act like anchors, firmly linking discussion and performance with business direction and projects. The anchor makes meetings or discussions relevant and practical. Consequently leader impact and team performance increases. We move forward together with success.


To help anchor your employee conversations to the business strategy use four powerful questions. The CLARITY BUILDER helps the whole team move forward and succeed. Give each of your team a copy of the CLARITY BUILDER and arrange a one-to-one discussion. Focus your discussion on these questions:

• What is my role?

• How do I contribute to our vision?

• How is my performance measured?

• What does the future look like?

Let me know how you go with getting more clarity in the team. I recon there is always room to get clearer.

Enter CLARITY below to get the tool :)

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