Happy Hybrid

Are you back? Fully? Partially? Or are you WFH? Remote?

Are you hybridised? (Is that even a word….yet?)

OMG… It’s hard to keep up. So much change to our work, workplaces, and the workforce.

But one thing hasn’t changed: our need to evolve.

Have you?

Research shows that leaders that stay connected and build trust with their teams are more effective, get better results and deliver more. Because they evolve with their teams and work more effectively.


Whether your team is “all back” or all WFH, I recon it’s time to set aside some time to build those hybrid habits. Check-in with yourself to see how you are evolving. Make a plan for yourself and the team towards a happy hybrid. It doesn’t have to be huge transformation type change.

Intention can help you evolve in small steps by building habits that create gradual change. As we get used to hybrid, building new habits will make it easier to evolve. We all love easy right?

As a senior leader, I built a feedback habit that enabled my team to consistently evolve, give me feedback, and make change a daily activity. I normalised the feedback process so that change becomes a constant. Not another thing on the to-do list.

Three simple questions

Every month at our team meeting, and at every one-to-one with my team I would ask them to let me know what they wanted to stop, start and keep doing. It became part of how we worked, rather than an awkward exercise that we avoided or dreaded.

Over time we consistently evolved our way of working. We became focused on the things that mattered and helped most and stopped the things we felt were low value or irritating.

Remarkable results

James Clear is an expert on habits. In his book Atomic Habits he talks about the tiny actions we take that help us evolve with ease. That’s what we need right now, help to evolve to hybrid. Clear says that we can get 1% better every day and these “tiny changes will yield remarkable results over time”. It sounds obvious I know, but its actually one of those things that we don't do as it seems insignificant.

Evolving as normal

When we build something into our routines, it gets done automatically, often without thought and much effort. It makes change normal (evolution), rather than hard or a blockage (old ways).

The right habits will help us evolve to a happy hybrid. Investing time in habit formation now will help us get better every day. And that’s a really good thing.

Work with me

If you want to chat about evolving to a happy hybrid, changing your ways, supporting your team or want help to lift your leadership, please get in touch.

I love hearing from you.

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