You get what you choose. Every single time.

I have been thinking a lot about choices. They are a decision tree in our life. Each one takes us towards a destination. A place we desire or despise. 

Some small choices made on the fly might seem insignificant at the time. But can take you away from where you ought to be. We can sometimes make choices in isolation of priorities when we are distracted.

It does not take very much to get off course. It is a bit like being on a bushwalk. Take a "short cut" or one wrong turn and you can find yourself in strife. 

I have been choosing too much cheese and chardonnay of late. Focusing too much on the now and instant gratification. We all know where that path leads. But the good thing about my recent calorific choices is that I can get back on track after a firm self-talk and the right activity.

Choices also influence our success in business. Sometimes in the moment a manager might cancel the team meeting or a catch up. We put off the important for the urgent. Or focus on what we can see in front of us instead of the long game. We fail to have THE conversation or let the wrong thing go.

Before you know it your compass is off and its time to reset and rethink. 

Stepping back to consider how our choices and actions influence your team or future success is a really beneficial habit. 

Paul Matthews