Get your mojo back and better results

Many of us can't see the obvious

A few years ago I was coaching Julie*, General Manager for Safety, Environment and Risk in a big utility based in Sydney. Like many other senior leaders she found herself constantly feeling like she was "solving all the problems" in her unit.

Rather than working ON the business, she was caught up IN it. She was limited.

The team constantly brought her issues and loose ends to tie up. She was exhausted. She found herself caught up in the detail. Stuck in the weeds. And the team reputation was one of police state: preventing the business from achieving their ambitions because of a high risk aversion.

After a few coaching sessions it was obvious that Julie was enforcing compliance. Her focus was on prevention of issues, rather than creation of positive outcomes. She enforced boundaries, not possibilities. She was focused on prevention rather than elevation of her team and internal clients.

I helped her flip her mindset. We worked on ways to lift her out of the problems and empower her team to focus on culture, not compliance.

After a while she and her team got their mojo back. They felt lifted. She felt more positive and the business felt enabled rather than restricted. They moved from "solving all the problems" to "enabling success".

They still managed risk effectively but enabled more ownership by their clients. Julie became more of a leader, less time spent managing and checking. Her mojo was back and her results went up. Happy days!

Advancing and evolving our leadership and taking our results up a level requires us to firstly recognise and then harness the relationship between:

  • Our INTENTIONS (thoughts, beliefs)

  • Our ACTIONS (habits and behaviours) and

  • Our RESULTS (impact).

Being intentional about our actions means we can consistently create better results. Consistently focusing on productive actions and habits eventually removes the unproductive and limiting behaviours that can hold us back. We move out of the weeds and into the sunlight.

You might think "that's obvious" or "I do this naturally". Well, not always.

Many of us can't see how our beliefs and ways are holding us back until we reflect, get feedback or learn from others. Sometimes it takes a loss of mojo an error or upset to enable us to see our situation for what it is.

When we take time out to improve our habits and decision making, we enhance our leadership and build greater capability in ourselves and around us in our team. Just like Julie above.

I want to help other leaders create better results too. I want to help people managers be intentional in advancing their leadership and lifting their team. That is why I am running a monthly Masterclass called Advance YOUR Leadership.

The Masterclass is for People Leaders, Experts and Professionals who are serious about lifting performance, engagement, innovation or productivity. If that's you then book your FREE place here on one of the montly sessions. 

HIT REPLY to share your mojo breakthrough story. Or join the conversation on LinkedIn here.

I really do love hearing from you and hope to see you soon!

Paul Matthews