Artificial or Employee Intelligence?

Imagination. Curiosity. Potential.

Before you go all in on Artificial Intelligence (AI) be sure you have harvested your employee intelligence (EI).

I hear many managers saying they want to explore AI in their team. They think it's going to be a mega-fix. A silver bullet.

I find this ironic because I also see many of them ignoring the actual employee intelligence in their team. The potential within your business is significant, yet it sits there untapped.

Employees are here, now. Their intelligence is real and ready to harness. It’s ripe. It's waiting. Tap into it.

Wasted opportunities aplenty

Presumption and telling by managers are limiting insights and exploration in our teams. So many leaders are caught up in getting things done that they ignore the rich and real intelligence of their employees. 

Their ways are limiting intelligence and progress. They are so focused on a silver bullet that they want to leapfrog onto the next shiny thing.

We are wasting so much valuable and deep talent which we already have. And we are looking ahead and out the window to find a solution when it might be sat right in our laps.

Managers digging for answers.

We ask closed questions. We presume. We try to have all the answers. So much so we think that AI is going to fix or improve our business. 

But we haven’t explored the real intelligence at our fingertips. We haven’t listened to those around us, yet we want to bring in the robots and algorithms. 

The imagination, curiosity and diversity of our employees is much more valuable than any source of artificial intelligence.

Let’s harness this reservoir of richness first. Then bring in the bots where we need to. 

Not sure how? Do these three things:

  1. Listen.

  2. Ask open questions.

  3. Empower your team.


For the record. I am not against AI and automation. I am all for harnessing the tools available to us. But we can’t replace the energy and imagination of our people. Once you activate this and experience it you will agree.

I love hearing from you.

Paul Matthews