Got gaps?
We all have gaps. Our goal must be to climb the ladder and move past them.
I don’t mean gaps in your teeth. I mean gaps in your capability or strategy? A better question is WHERE are the gaps? Because let’s face it we all have them.
Right now the changes in our work, workplace and workforce are highlighting a lot of our gaps because there is so much change going on. Have you thought about your gaps in skills, capability and mindset and how to fill them?
Capability gaps: adding value.
The gap between our current capability and desired level is the space where we stretch ourselves and grow. It’s a personal challenge that we take on. We know it’s the right thing to do and the most interesting. Closing capability gaps helps us add more value to the team and organisation.
Strategy gaps: adding velocity.
Our strategies are all about closing a gap or a problem. We use these gaps to focus our team towards a shared goal e.g. closing the gap. When we close the gaps by implementing a strategy we add velocity and momentum to the business. We go forward together more effectively. Progress.
Hiding gaps: adding voids
Almost every business I work with has gaps in leadership, culture and communication. They want to involve more, engage more, innovate more. Taking the leap and putting effort into closing the gaps takes courage and commitment.
The reality is that hiding the gaps or dealing with their impact actually takes up more energy than addressing them.
When we hide gaps we create work, excuses, cover ups or make extra effort to make things seem ok or “normal”. Hiding gaps can be exhausting personally. I know because I have done it. I have learnt that addressing gaps is so much easier than hiding them.
Where are your capability gaps? How will you close them? Or will you continue to hide them?
Think about where you are on my ladder of impact. And where you want to get to. What is your gap?
The Ladder of Impact: your impact dictates your results