Questions: THE manager super-power
Asking the right questions is THE manager super-power. It’s a skill that unlocks motivation and energy. It focuses employees’ minds and action on the future and performance success.
Do you manage people or projects? If so how often do you feel like you need help to ask the right questions?
Asking the right questions is not easy. It's like building muscle. After practice it gets easier.
I have been coaching managers for over a decade as my full time gig. In that time I have grown to really appreciate the power of questions as a tool to ignite thoughts, energy and actions. I have had some amazing breakthrough moments with clients. Managers can easily create these moments too.
Breakthrough moment
I was working with a Director who spent her whole time telling her team what to do. She was exhausted with so many demands on her time and the self imposed need to constantly give directions.
I worked with her on using questions, rather than giving her team answers. She had a major breakthrough and started using questions to help her team find their way. She got more time back, recreated her passion for her team and her role. Breakthrough moment for her which benefitted her team enourmosly.
The Curiosity CHEMICAL
I love how asking employees questions can flood their brain with dopamine. I call dopamine the CURIOSITY CHEMICAL. When we encourage employees to think through questions their brain releases dopamine. The impact is a pleasure feeling in finding answers or new ways. Questions also act as a bonding mechanism between managers and employees which is cemented in a positive feeling caused by dopamine release.
When we explore and satisfy our curiosity by asking and answering curious questions, our brain floods our body with dopamine, which makes us feel happier. (Ref 1)
It’s also the chemical that helps us bond with others. So asking your employees questions helps them build deeper connections with you. It sounds obvious but many of us try to fast track progress and projects by telling our teams the answers. This is short-sighted.
Try questions instead of answers. Ask instead of answer. I promise in time this will change your results and the culture in your team.
Over the next few months I will be asking you LOTS of questions and sharing these with you to help you become more curious and bond more deeply with your team.
The first five questions are about ENCOURAGING EMPLOYEES TO TAKE ACTION on a priority.
Every leader needs this at some point. If your employees are feeling stuck or want some motivation, need to build clarity etc then try asking some or all of these:
FIVE QUESTIONS to encourage employee action:
Q: Where are things right now?
Q: What actions are needed by you/others?
Q: What else do you need?
Q: When will we start to see change?
Q: What will you do first?
Share your thoughts on these questions or on the CURIOSITY CHEMICAL below. I love hearing your stories and experiences.