Comfort or Courage?

Better results never come from comfort.

Comfort holds us back from trying new things. 

I was recently coaching a Matt. He was was fearful that his decisions wouldn't land well with his team. He knew the decisions were the right thing for the business. But he was holding back. Delaying. Putting his own comfort ahead of progress and improvement. 

Seeking the same future as our past can be comfortable and safe. And sometimes that is exactly what we need. 

But not always.

Courage can drive us to change and try new ways with breathtaking results. Seeking something different can be energising and can truly lift our spirits and results. Sometimes that is exactly what we need.

But not always.

When we choose comfortable and safe for too long however we become stagnant. Doing the same thing for too long becomes boring.


As Managers staying comfortable can be more high risk than courage based decisions. If we don’t regularly try different things to get better results then we can fall behind, become complacent or worse get lost. A far scarier place than trying new things and stepping into courage.


If you feel like you want to try something new that will energise you and your team and help you improve your leadership and results, try one of my free Zoom masterclasses below. You will ease into courage and make decisions that will ignite your results for the coming year.

And hey...

I wonder if you are choosing comfort over courage. Do you want the same results again next year or different ones?

Paul Matthews