Ghostly Managers. Zombie Employees. Energy Vampires

As it’s Halloween I have been very caught up GHOSTBUSTING, slaying VAMPIRES and ending the ZOMBIE apocalypse in YOUR business.

My Monster MD

I reckon most of us are dealing with or have dealt with a MONSTER at work. I had an MD that was a bully. They would shout, bang the table, and alter the facts to get their own way. I think they were one of those corporate psychopaths: brilliant, yes but scary as all hell. No empathy. No filter. No self-control.

Tools to help you tame those crazies

Back then I didn’t have the tools or confidence to deal with their tantrums. I have been around the block a few times since. Now I know better and as a coach I want to share these insights and tools with you.

Each of my LinkedIn posts this week identified the traits of a few different MONSTERS. I share tips on how to deal with these crazies.

Have a read, please join the conversation and share your horror story. Hit reply with a share. I will send you a copy of my bestseller Powerful Conversations for Managers.


If you are dealing with a MONSTER. I promise you this will end soon. It might not feel like it now, but it will pass.

Stay strong and keep pushing back.

I am here for anyone that needs me, so share your horror stories. I love this stuff!

Paul Matthews