Rhythm. Reason. Results.
When we have conversations our brain releases neuro-chemicals that encourage us to bond and connect. Recognising that conversations create opportunities to engage can make all the difference for leaders. Conversation is involvement and engagement.
The opposite happens when leaders tell employees what to do: their brain shuts down and goes into a kind of fight/flight response. This is the opposite of connection and bonding, making employees isolated and feel inadequate. That is not engagement.
My previous blogs talked about building your CONNECTION with your team then discussing the right CONTENT with them. Having the CONVERSATION with the team should be part how you run the team, not an add on.
Right rhythm
To achieve consistent dialogue with employees, leaders need to build forums and platforms to communicate consistently. Like a rhythm. The rhythm unites the team with information, data, support, structure and direction. Every part of your rhythm should have a purpose. A reason to have a conversation. An example of a team rhythm is below:
A regular rhythm of conversation creates frequent and productive dialogue. No wonder that managers with a rhythm in place are around 4 times more likely to have engaged employees in the team. Over time effective conversations will consistently improve engagement levels.
Getting your conversation rhythm right is vital. It sets the structure and expectations for the team. The meetings and updates you establish will perpetuate your connection with employees, improve your listening build their connection with the business.
I frequently saw this first hand when managing teams in the past. I recognised that structure and purpose and regularity made engagement commonplace in the team. Having the platforms and forums in place to have our conversations made engagement systematic. We were able to discuss anything as part of our operating rhythm.
Building my connection and focusing the content of our conversation meant that engaging the team in priorities became part of the way we worked. Not an additional job on my long to-do list.
Conversations create bonding and help increase leader impact. They:
INVOLVE employees and teams
DRIVE change, ideas, alignment etc
BUILD momentum, collaboration and energy.
GOT RHYTHM? Some questions to consider: what is your teams rhythm? Is it helping you and the team to deliver on your goals? Do you connect regularly enough? How can you improve your connection and two way discussion?
This blog is based on one of my free downloads called Leaders Guide to High Employee Engagement.