How to engage your team

"No one ever showed me how to engage my team"

"How do I get the team to consider that?"

"What's the best way to involve the team in this?"

These are all questions I get asked often by leaders at all levels of management. They are legitimate questions too, which over the years I have helped answer many times.

We all know that communication in business is vital. Yet most organisations don't clarify how leaders should or could inform or engage their teams. So, I thought I would do just that.

To enable all leaders to engage (and do it simply) I developed the 3Cs model: connection, content and conversation.

This is a simple and effective three step process for leaders to follow, that will build their insight into their team, drive up engagement and achieve better results.

Connect: with your team on a regular basis, listen and learn about them as individuals

Content: decide what you and they need to discuss/decide: strategy, plans, actions, progress etc

Conversation: set up a regular discussion, involve them regularly and be sure to follow through on the actions. This makes the whole thing productive.

Simply by having a regular team meeting you are increasing the likelihood of your team being engaged fourfold! As the table below shows: the more you connect with employees using conversations, the bigger the results.

I have turned the approach into a one day workshop called: Powerful Communication for LeadersRead the summary here.

I have also written a guide for leaders that explains how to be a more powerful communicator.

If you have never been shown how, or want a practical and effective way to engage your team, then book a quick call with me on 0458 566 179 or drop me a note at

Paul Matthews